Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Onset of Madness

(February 19/08)

This is madness, inescapable madness! Contrary to popular opinion, when one thinks one is becoming mad one most certainly is; it’s the pre-recognition of madness that signals the onset of madness, so thinking one is going or will go mad is surely a sign of encroaching madness. If this is true, and I believe it to be so, then I am surely on my way…on my merry way to mad-hatter madness. Its not such a bad thing, this going mad, in fact one might say that it’s a boon, a big-ass Daniel Boon, this inescapable madness.

Eight days and counting until my push into the world, head like a bloodied-rag, tiny fingers clutching at metaphysical-straws. I truly believe I was born into this ontological-wasteland: Eliot be damned, I should have picked my literary-fights with more aplomb and acumen. 400mg’s of fen-green Echinacea ought to do the trick, up my sleeve and out the ripping-hole in my ass. Miasma, Yes…such a cool refreshing epiglottis {(epi·glot·tis,-ˈglä-təs)thin plate of flexible cartilage in front of the glottis that folds back over and protects the glottis during swallowing}.

I am reading several books, a series of several books. Allow me to share what I am reading, these several books, a series of several books, if you will. The Selected Stories of Robert Walser, Witold Gombrowicz’s Bacacay, Roberto Bolano’s Nazi Literature In The Americas, Elfriede Jelinek’s Greed, Martin Heidegger’s Being and Time, On Hashish by Walter Benjamin, and lastly, Louis Althusser’s The Future Lasts Forever. Perhaps I am encouraging the encroaching madness, or it I, who knows, or more precisely, who cares.


Anonymous said...

If you are going mad, Stephen, you would feel right at home at the main branch of the Ottawa Public Library. It is a veritable zoo of madness. Some of us are only semi-mad, the struggling poets and such. But you would be very welcome, my friend.

The Greeks believed the mad possessed prophetic gifts, I believe. Maybe that explains why some of the people at the library shit on the washroom floor. The wish to divine matters from their stools.

I must find a copy of On Hashish by Walter Benjamin.


Tasha Klein said...

u r a spy. don't think i don't know this. madness. my ass. cracked wheat. oh yes. i have your ticket, miasma.

u do not want to know what i am reading.


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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz
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