Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Mercury Fish Co. [English]

(February 13/08)

The Mercury Fish Co. dissolved in 1948, ten years before my reception into the whirled. My father’s father, having given in to the ravages of diabetes and one-leggedness, predeceased my birth by 8 years ([English] would change the side-boards of the fish crates, haddock for cod, bluefin for red snapper, raising the profit-margin accordingly). Having said more that I said I would said, I have said more than enough.

Place the mustard-peach-cobbler poultice directly onto the raised area, apply even pressure using the back of a soup-spoon and repeat until the desired effected is achieved; if this does not salve the boil, change the sideboard from cod to red snapper; this should do the job ([English] Could I have a word with you in my office, please? Christian theology, the divine rational principle as epitomized by Jesus Christ, in Christianity, the Bible or Scriptures, considered as revealing divine truth; plural, words…the text or lyrics of a song, musical, or opera). 14 days and counting before my jump into the fray.

(February 12/08)

The last thing I’ll say before I have nothing left to say is that I have nothing left to say, not a word (a meaningful sound or combination of sounds that is a unit of language or its representation in a text, a brief comment, announcement, discussion, or conversation: Could I have a word with you in my office, please? Christian theology, the divine rational principle as epitomized by Jesus Christ, in Christianity, the Bible or Scriptures, considered as revealing divine truth; plural, words…the text or lyrics of a song, musical, or opera). [English] would change the side-boards of the fish crates, haddock for cod, bluefin for red snapper, raising the profit-margin accordingly.

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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz
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