Friday, May 09, 2008

Epistle-istle, Crackle, Screw-bo

(His portmanteau dragged behind him like a caudal stick. His greatcoat portmanteau tailed behind him like a lazy child. His greatcoat coat dragged behind his portmanteau port like a lazy child swinging a caudal stick. The shamble leg man’s greatcoat was greater than the sum of its parts. Hem, greater than its hem). He, the shamble leg man, liked animal sauce on his boiled potatoes. Animal sauce is rendered from animal flesh, gristle, fat, tendon, hock, epistle-istle, crackle, screw-bone and water. The shamble leg man’s great-grandmamma made animal sauce in the big black skillet she kept on a hinge over the stove. Christmastime Easter Lent Passover Ukrainian Orthodox Christmastime Hanukah Daylight Savings Time, and any other time that was of middling importance, his great-grandmamma made animal sauce in the big black skillet that hung over the stove on a hinge.

His great-grandmamma knew how to make a beggars’ pudding from leftovers, a raw egg and skipjack meringue (Animal pudding with mint jelly). They ate very little during Passover and Daylight Savings Time, a pittance worth of dry toast and bare-cupboard pud·ding. The harridan swore up and down that her family ate next to nothing, and not just during Passover and Daylight Savings Time when there was so little time to save or pass over. His portmanteau dragged behind him like a caudal stick. His greatcoat portmanteau tailed behind him lik…imal flesh, gristle, fat, tendon, hock, epistle-istle, crackle, screw-bo…His great-grandmamma made a mess of the kitchen, tossing tosspot and larder, the nails on her fingers cored and heavy with grim and grime…mastime Easter Lent Passover Ukrainian Orthodox Christmastime Hanukah Daylight…nothing much was saved or passed over, nary a hare’s lolly or a birches’ cuppery.

The day broke unevenly, so much so, so unevenly that the man in the hat could feel the unevenness of the day breaking broken over his head. ‘I dislike these sort of days, these uneven unevenly days’ he said out loud to himself whisperingly. ‘I’d much prefer, much rather an evenly day, an even evenness, so even that it seems evenly even’. The skyward sky was blue cobalt azure Prussia blue, so blue, so blue cobalt azure Prussia blue it seemed impossibly so, impossibly blue. ‘Today I will venture out and see what the day has to offer, this uneven unevenness that passes itself off for a day, any day, this blue cobalt azure Prussia blue skyward sky day’. And with that he pulled up his gaiters and fell head-to-heel into the day.

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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz
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