Sunday, October 07, 2007

Betel Nuts and Half Smokes

(True to form once the form has been trued all other truing is simply keeping the previous true in form. Truing is like fishing, casting a wordy line into the depths of language, waiting for a response, then recasting until the trued, yet untrue, is trued, truing until the sickness takes hold of the form, which then true’s itself ad nauseum. His granddad told him the story about the elf-food store where one could buy small quantities of food, seeds and biscuit flour, anise-root and cardamom, betel-nuts and caraway pips, bird-seed and children’s shoehorns).

At seven o’clock sharp the man in the hat awoke, relit a half-smoked cigarette and took a long deep stoke, flushing his lungs with tar, benzene, carbons, formaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide. At seven-o-five he boiled water, measured three tablespoons of bitter coffee with his thumb and forefinger and sprinkled it into an earless cup. He relit a second half-smoked cigarette, inhaled a plume of harsh yellow smoke and stirred the earless cup of coffee with the second finger out from his forefinger. He sipped the coffee, ran his tongue across the bevel of his teeth and ferreted through his pockets for another half-smoke.

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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz
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