Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Non-secular Unconscious

What is the symptom of the Christian unconscious? The anticlastic of the eucharis whereby neither surface has a midpoint or joining. All surfaces appear to conjoin, yet remain at a distance, a constant tension between the repressed and the imago of sin. Once failure to meet the strictures of Christian doctrine is evened, the sin is the yardstick on which all present, past and future behaviour (ethical, moral and human) is measured. In this manner sin forms the basis for Christian symptomology the (lynchpin) on which it is formulated and enforced. Sin (the imago of sin) shapes the repressive quality (quantity) of the Christian unconscious. The Christian unconscious is the sin, the fear and enforcement of the sin (the sinning) without the sin, there would be no Christian unconscious, no basis (lynchpin) for and of a (non-secular) unconscious.

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