Monday, March 06, 2006

KaNT'S tHOuGHT and lIFE2

Thoughts Thought
(March 06/06)
I’m sitting here thinking about thinking, thinking of what I’ve thought and not yet thought. I’m thinking regardless of the process of thoughts thought or thinking about thinking those thoughts and those thoughts not yet thought but thought about just he same. I have a stomachache, perhaps from excessive thinking, or thoughts that I thought I thought yet are just thinking in abstensia of a thought yet to be thought. Perhaps this signals a slight shift in thinking or a thoughtful though about the sentinel of thoughts and thinking. I am a thoughtful thinker of thoughts and thoughts not yet thought or thought about. Thinking is quite complex, as is the thought of thinking about the complexity of thinking thoughts all together, or in single file, as in a sentinel of thoughts being thought thoughtless of the complexity of the thoughts thought. This is indeed confusing, if not far too complex for a mere thinker of thoughts and thoughts not yet thought regardless of the thought process of thinking thoughts, even in abstention of a first or originary thought, thought. Why, then, think when you can thought I ask? Why indeed?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Me thinks I like this post.

Nigel Bile, the Biblio File

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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz
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