Saturday, August 07, 2010


The man in the hat stood leaning against the bust of King Olaf, passerby’s giving him the once-over. This had happened before, people gawking, giving him the once-over. He was observed by people whom he would never meet. He spent countless hours watching others watch him, gazing at lips that he would never kiss, legs he would never pry apart, sinking his cock into places he knew existed but had never seen up close. And in his head a blasphemous narration in a tongue he didn’t understand:

…cagar, titica, merda em boca, Mijar, Mijada, Mijão, Bufa soltar pum, gás, soltar um gasinho, Peidorreiro, Flatulento, Gaseiro, Estúpido, Cretino, bobão, bocó, Despropósito, Doido varrido, Intelijumento, Mongolóide, Debilóide, Débil-mental, Doente-mental, Beócio, Aparvalhado, Atoleimado, Paspalho, Palúrdio, Paspalhão,
Patego, Pancrácio, Papalvo, Papa-moscas, Pascácio, Estafermo, Beldroegas, Bangalafumenga, Zé-ninguém, João-Ninguém, Zé-mané, Bolônio, Tchalau, Tchalongo, Tchongo, Tontão, Cabaça, Coió, Leseira, Toleirão, Titica-na-cabeça, Cabeça-de-vento, Idéia-de-jerico, Abobalhado, Dãrdi, Estólido, Néscio, Calinada, Otário, Lerdo assclown histrião Canhão tribufu, baranga, mocréia, dragão, jaburu chifrudo… Cafajeste/Canalha/Crápula/Calhorda/Patife/Tratante/Trapaceiro/Embusteiro/Abjeto, Salafrário, Safardana, Babaca, Tosco, Boçal, Bronco, Cavalão, Grosso, Grosseirão, Cavalgadura Filho da mãe sentar o sarrafo, parafusear, rosquear Lamber o cu, performar cunete, rimming, cuzete, lambe-cu, botão de rosa, tulipa roxa, beijo grego enculé Afogar o ganso, molhar o biscoito, descabelar o palhaço, escorregar no quiabo, bater uma, Espancar o macaco, descabelar o palhaço, cinco contra um, bater um amistoso, bucetinha, bucetão, xana, xoxota, xota, buça, xereca, tcheca, xeca, cobiçada, perseguida, piriquita, bacurinha, xavasca, racha, fenda, Poupança, ripa, piroca, pistola, peru, trabuco, nabo, mandioca, benga, jeba, sagatiba, bigola, bilau…

Then “‘The only dangers for me are metaphysical’” and “‘Only by living absurdly is it possible to break out of this infinite absurdity’” (Jules Florencio Cortázar) ‘this is getting me nowhere… and quickly at that!’ he said inveigled. ‘pass Paspalhão pass Passépartout. Its all the same in the end’.

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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz
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