Monday, November 12, 2007

String Theory

Impetigo (contagious infection of the skin caused by staphylococcal and streptococcal bacteria and characterized by blisters that form yellow-brown scabs) swept like a rats’ tail through this place where people lived they’re lives backwards-sideways and upside-down. ‘There is too much yellow, too much of it, yellow, here’ said the legless man. ‘Yellow is the colour of flowers and butter, soft twilight and cats…’ said the harridan. ‘I hate it, yellow, like a fever, this yellow, yellow, too yellow, I say’. ‘I hate hating’ said the harridan sternly. The poorhouse poor gaggled in a line along the sideways crookedly. ‘I have a blister on my toe’ said the legless man. ‘That, my dear friend, is impossible…you have no toes, nor legs to attach toes to silly man’. ‘They came off, éclat, when I was sleeping under the Seder’s awning, Tuesday, a Tuesday’ said the man without legs, the legless man. ‘Was it string-theory, was it that?’ asked the harridan cautiously, not wanting to step on the legless man’s toes. The legless man collected his thoughts and said ‘yes, and yellow, string-theory, its yellow…’ ‘Like cats’ dribble’ said the harridan incautiously. ‘Yes, éclat, and off they came’.

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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz
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