Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Professor Richard Rorty

Several years ago I wrote professor Rorty an email expressing my gratitude and thanks for his book Philosophy and Social Hope. At the time I was struggling to complete my MA thesis while working fulltime as an addictions counsellor with the homeless. About a week passed, and when I opened my email I saw a message from professor Rorty. I was overcome with joy and a sense of deepest honour. His kind inspiring words encouraged me to push forward with my thesis, remembering as I did that philosophy can be used as a tool, and most importantly, as a way to encourage and help others achieve their goals. I will forever be indebted to professor Rorty, not only for his unwavering commitment to philosophy, literature and humanism, but for taking the time to write a struggling graduate student, making him feel, for perhaps a brief moment, important and acknowledged.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do have a copy of Rorty's The Mirror of Mankind, I believe it is called, though as yet to read it.

I recall him saying though somewhere that literature may serve as a warning of what could happen, that it could serve in that way.


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