Monday, July 30, 2007

Desire-less Desire

The desire to be desire-less, to remain once, perhaps twice-removed from that which is desirable yet undesired. In this manner all and everything is desirable, even the desire for the undesired; to desire the undesired, the move towards away from the desire of desire, undesirability. Technology has taught us to be suspect of desire, to keep at arm’s-length the desire to desire what is and is not desirable. In the end, the technological end, desire vanishes into the undesired, the inability to emote and engage in the act of desiring altogether. The technological-machine has taught us how to become machines, desire-less automatons. The fear of intrapersonal assonating far outweighs the desire to engage, and the machine takes over where emotion once reined: to assonate means to become aware of the other, ourselves (self-awareness) and the assonating of the other as ourselves, a supra-empathic being-aware. As in Lacan’s mirroring, the ability of the child to differentiate between the image (imago) and the self, or self as mirrored in the mirror of the self, a mirroring of the self through an imago that is neither real or phantasm but a binary of both, a real-phantasy, or real-phantasy-equivalent. The computer screen has replaced the Lacanian mirror (the real as phantasy); the self-qua-self as imago, neither desirability nor undesirability, but an in between where suspicion and fear replace being-aware and being-desire.

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"Poetry is the short-circuiting of meaning between words, the impetuous regeneration of primordial myth". Bruno Schulz
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