Monday, February 13, 2006


Cudgel and Lime
(Feb 13/06)
I awoke this morning to birds atwitter in the standing timber contiguous to my windowsill sills, awakening from milt-heavy dreams of coital this and that though neither either or either that nor this. More news of miscreantism in the War on Terror: a video of British boycotts beating Iraqis with sticks and hobnailed wellies. A lager and lime, if you please, with a Cornish pasty and a rasher of mutton entrails. A sloppy egg, yolk-side up, with a rue of chips and batter and a cod tongue on the opposable, pleas and no thank ewes, if you please. Another plume in me hat, or beret, depending on the climate and judiciary. Or was that a cretin’s cap, tilted to no side with a ferret of no-hair and mullet?
Sad cunts the lot of ‘em billeted in tarpaper and commode. If you please, a roll of Roebuck’s and a ream of Punch and rudely, for ass wiping and General’s lavations and fob soiling. Sticks and stones produce such heckler’s gloms, sad pathetic cunts, not a man’s jigger amongst ‘em. All that punting and flack jacketed armory. Time to put the wee ones to bed, with a punt to the chops and a Jujitsu to the kidney sop, venal failure for the laggard and rimed. I best mind me manners before the brute constabulary comes punting down me door with hobnailed and cudgel.

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